Adams + Beasley Associates
- ケース
- 新着ケース

This case illustrates how a strong culture, founder-led SME designed and used a unique performance metric -- the job security index - to manage through periods of economic uncertainty. The case centers specifically on how the job security index was used in an interactive control process to focus the organization on identifying strategic uncertainties and developing related action plans to survive the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. The case explores how the design and use of this metric both influenced, and was influenced by, the firm's broad-based employee ownership incentives.
- 出版日
- 2023/01
- 領域
- 経営・戦略
- 組織行動・人的資源管理
- ボリューム
- 17ページ
- コンテンツID
- CCJB-HBS-123051
- オリジナルID
- 123051
- ケースの種類
- Case
- 言語
- 英語
- カラー
- 製本の場合、カラー印刷での納品となります。