The Allstate Corporation, 2019
- ケース
"In July 2019, Allstate, the United States' number-three property and casualty (P/C) insurer, released its second-quarter earnings, which reported first-half revenues of $22.1 billion, up 11.4% year-over-year. Shareholders cheered the top-line growth, but, P/C premiums had only grown 6.2%, considerably lower than Allstate's top competitors, GEICO and Progressive. Indeed, since the beginning of the global financial crisis, Allstate had grown net premiums earned by just 2.1% per year, compared to 7.6% at Progressive and 9.9% at GEICO. As a result, Allstate had fallen from the number-two writer of private passenger auto insurance to number four, losing market share each year. There was, however, some sign that Allstate was returning to faster growth, with net premiums earned up 5.3% in 2018. During this period, CEO Thomas Wilson had taken steps to reignite growth, concerned primarily with building Allstate's direct-sales business, expanding its range of usage-based products and telematics solutions, and focusing more on insuring smaller consumer devices. Still, growth remained laggard, despite high-profile acquisitions of the direct online specialist Esurance in October 2011 and SquareTrade, a provider of extended warranty contracts for consumer devices, in November 2016. Nothing seemed to ward off challenges from GEICO and Progressive. Meanwhile, rapid advances in ridesharing and autonomous vehicle technology promised to disrupt the entire auto insurance industry. Allstate was early to recognize this shift and had begun investing heavily in new technologies and partnering with researchers and ridesharing operators to prepare for the coming disruptions. Wilson had also set up a new business unit called Arity that would oversee Allstate's efforts at usage-based telematics and to collect and process data on drivers to improve underwriting models. Allstate was positioning itself for a future in which the insurance industry would look fundamentally different. Still, Wilson needed to convince shareholders that Allstate's return to growth would continue. The growth of Esurance and SquareTrade had been somewhat promising. Should he focus on building the direct online segment, competing with GEICO and Progressive? Or, should he continue to grow SquareTrade and the services segment, accepting that Allstate auto insurance was a declining business? The future of Allstate was hanging in the balance.
- 出版日
- 2019/08
- ボリューム
- 29ページ
- コンテンツID
- CCJB-HBS-720366
- オリジナルID
- 720366
- ケースの種類
- Case
- 言語
- 英語
- カラー
- 製本の場合、カラー印刷での納品となります。