Hiring with the Community in Saint Paul
- ケース
- 新着ケース

This case reviews Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter's decision to involve the community in the process of hiring his cabinet members. Rather than relying on an executive recruiting firm or choosing cabinet heads from his own network, Carter recruited 100 community members and asked them to vet, screen, and interview candidates for ten city directorships, with Carter reserving the right to make final decisions. While his choices aligned with the panels for seven positions, they diverged for the remaining three. In January 2018, as Carter prepared to announce his decisions, he hoped his choices would not undermine belief in the participatory hiring process and his credibility as a mayor who valued community voices.
- 出版日
- 2022/11
- 領域
- ビジネス・行政関係
- ボリューム
- 11ページ
- コンテンツID
- CCJB-HBS-823074
- オリジナルID
- 823074
- ケースの種類
- Teaching Note
- 言語
- 英語
- カラー
- 製本の場合、モノクロ印刷での納品となります。