New Arrival Cases
- Pasona: 地方創生から生まれるウェルビーイング
- Pasona: Well-being through regional revitalization
- [Teaching note] Pasona: Well-being through regional revitalization
- Rede Mulher Empreendedora: Navigating mission integrity and financial sustainability
- [Teaching note] Rede Mulher Empreendedora: Navigating mission integrity and financial sustainability
- Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (A)
- Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (B)
- [Teaching note] Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (A) (B)
- Employees in Foxconn’s business empire
- [Teaching note] Employees in Foxconn’s business empire
- Ikea Belgium Welcome Home Project: From ad hoc to deep social impact
- [Teaching note] Ikea Belgium Welcome Home Project: From ad hoc to deep social impact
- Inspiring sustainability in sports: Carbon emission management at the International Olympic Committee
- [Teaching note] Inspiring sustainability in sports: Carbon emission management at the International Olympic Committee
- Mastercard 2023: Rewired for infinite optionality
- [Teaching note] Mastercard 2023: Rewired for infinite optionality
New Arrival Cases
16 IMD Cases and Teaching notes have been︎ registered︎ at ︎the Case︎ Center︎ Japan.
These cases are under the disciplines of
■Management and Strategy
■Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management
■Production and Operations Management
■Accounting and control
■Technology and information management
- Pasona: 地方創生から生まれるウェルビーイング
- Pasona: Well-being through regional revitalization
- [Teaching note] Pasona: Well-being through regional revitalization
- Rede Mulher Empreendedora: Navigating mission integrity and financial sustainability
- [Teaching note] Rede Mulher Empreendedora: Navigating mission integrity and financial sustainability
- Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (A)
- Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (B)
- [Teaching note] Not so black and white: Grupo Inca’s black alpaca dilemma (A) (B)
- Employees in Foxconn’s business empire
- [Teaching note] Employees in Foxconn’s business empire
- Ikea Belgium Welcome Home Project: From ad hoc to deep social impact
- [Teaching note] Ikea Belgium Welcome Home Project: From ad hoc to deep social impact
- Inspiring sustainability in sports: Carbon emission management at the International Olympic Committee
- [Teaching note] Inspiring sustainability in sports: Carbon emission management at the International Olympic Committee
- Mastercard 2023: Rewired for infinite optionality
- [Teaching note] Mastercard 2023: Rewired for infinite optionality
Please click the above linkable case title to view the individual case page for details.
**Please note that the use of the above Teaching Notes is restricted to academic members only.